Prostor za sponzora

Prostor za sponzora

Prostor za sponzora

Milford Sound in New Zealand
Milford Sound in New Zealand
Milford Sound in New Zealand
Milford Sound in New Zealand
360° Surround Storm for your ears

A Desert Eagle isn't worth its fancy name, if you don't know where to aim. Imagine your advantage within the heat of the battle when you exactly hear where your opponents are before you can actually see them. Knowing the position of your enemy is half the frag. Realistic 3D surround sound makes you locate your opponents easily by the noise they generate. The desktop control enables you to adjust to situations quickly with sound and microphone mute buttons and volume control for different channels.


Do you enjoy playing first person shooters with headphones? Then sure enough you have asked yourself this very question before. But you won't have to, ever again.

vs. wcc|16:13 
vs. RIR|16:08 
vs. simpleX|11:16 
vs. nT^|16:10 
vs. hello|16:03 


Vise informacija o odigranim mecevima ovde

Zahvaljujemo se ljudima iz Serbian Pro Gaming Community-a koji su nam obezbedili server za dalji rad i usavrsavanje.Sponzor nam je takodje obezbedio i domen,radimo na sredjivanju foruma. Ekipa nastavlja sa uigravanjem i daljim radom.Hvala sponzoru jos jednom , UrbanSports team
Ekipu urbanSports napustili su:-KuBe -AnONiMoS -despotoviC. Novi igraci urbanSports klana: -Mario ' Mari0[N] '
-Marko ' mARENzI '
Zelimo Vam lep provod i zabavu na nasem forumu, i nadamo se da cete naci sve sto vam je potrevno... Budite redovan i aktivan clan naseg foruma.

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